What To Expect

What To Expect

The friendliest church you’ve ever attended. The people that make up Grace Summit come from all walks of life and faith, and they love their church! We promise you’ll meet a smiling face and a new community where you can live out your faith within real and relevant ways.

The most passionate worship you’ve ever experienced. The God of the Bible isn’t deaf – but He’s not dead either. He’s a living, moving, passionate God, and we respond to Him in a vibrant and real way. You’ll hear great music, and have the opportunity to participate as little or as much as you like – we won’t push, but we won’t hold back.

The most fresh and creative presentation of the message of Jesus. If Jesus isn’t dead, we don’t think His church should be either. Every weekend, we’re going to present the hope and help found in Jesus in the most creative and fresh ways we know – true to God’s Word, but relevant to your life. This is how church should always be. If you feel lost, tired of running, or just need a change of pace in your life, meet your new direction.

You will see some people dressed their “Sunday best.” Others will be dressed very casually in “weekend attire.” Wear whatever you feel most comfortable worshipping in.

Children are welcome in all services. However, for you to most enjoy your experience at Grace Summit Church, we provide a safe and nurturing environment for your children. On Sundays during our worship service , your kids will have tons of fun and learn spiritual principles in ImpactKidz!

Nursery: Newborn – 1 Years
Toddlers: 2 – 3 Years Old
Pre-School: 4 – 5 Years Old
Children: 6 – 10 Years Old